Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Very Happy Birthday

Today is SkinnyBitch's birthday and I for one think it should be a national holiday. Now SkinnyBitch and I have had our differences (see Fat Barbie Goes to Italy and many others). However she is my oldest friend ( even if she won't admit it ) and will always be there for me no matter what stupid plan I cook up. She has always been the more mature of the two of us as exhibited by the fact she would threaten a young me with corporal punishment if I wouldn't tell her what her birthday cake looked like...( I am not even kidding she was and sometimes still is a Mini Mussolini but she is my Mini Mussolini). She does have some redeeming qualities and by some I mean many. She is one of my biggest role models and she encourages me to be the best Fat Barbie I can be. She never lets me dog myself. She always says I'm a dime piece and that little bit of encouragement makes me feel invisible.  She is the greatest big sister a fat barbie could ask for. She listens to my horrible life stories and no matter what I always feel better after talking to her. So now that I have made this a horribly mushy piece I am going to give y'all what y'all came here for stories about Fat Barbie and SkinnyBitch!! Where should I begin oh let's begin with one of my absolutely favorite SkinnyBitch stories. Last year was my senior year of college and SkinnyBitch came in for a football game weekend. So we being Fat Barbie and SkinnyBitch went out to the bars with one of my guy friends( we will call him Leadsmeonalot) SkinnyBitch, Leadsmeonalot and I are finishing up our evening ( I don't even remember what we did oops) and Leadsmeonalot finds this girl and SkinnyBitch is NOT having it she just rails on this girl to me as we are creepily walking behind Leadsmeonalot and his random blonde friend. So Leadsmeonalot is taking us and this girl ( who has the same name a stripper would) to our respective places of resiendence and SkinnyBitch is in the back seat just giving it to Stripper Name. Needless to say it made my night. This is not the only time SkinnhyBitch has come to Fat Barbie's defense with Leadsmeonalot. During graduation weekend SkinnyBitch told Leadsmeonalot that the girl he was talking to was bug eyed (to be fair the girl was bug eyed). Needless to say you don't mess with SkinnyBitch when it comes to Fat Barbie because no matter how angry she is at me you mess with me you mess with her and she's scary. SkinnyBitch is not someone whose bad side you want to be on. Even though she is older SkinnyBitch will always be my role model, closest friend and little nugget, so happy birthday SkinnyBitch hope it was grand!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I'm baaaaccckkkk

Hello lovelies,
I know it has been quite a while since I have last posted. Grad school kept me way way way busier than I thought it would. All I know is that today was my last day of summer grad school and it feels GLORIOUS! I am have never been so excited to be done. I have one last paper to write and then Monday I get to meet my mentor teacher. I can't wait to see where this adventure takes me! However y'all don't come to this blog to listen to me blather about grad school. I do have quite a funny (iny opinion) story. So I have been working out and it is safe to say I love it. It feels absolutely amazing to be active and I feel great! Now you maybe asking yourself " alright fat Barbie when does the funny come into play? You're sounding super self righteous right meow." Hence this is the funny part. So SkinnhyBitch has long since been doing these excersises but I recently started ( she probably does it better but hey I am willing to take second place in this) My trainer made me do these things called box jumps. It is exactly what it sounds like. There's a box that is a certain height ( I think mine was 2-3 feet) and the person doing box jumps has to jump on top of the box. Simple right.? WRONG...physically it is sooooo simple but mentally it takes a lot of something. It is all about believing that you tank you can jump on top of this freaking box. So I have to do 10 of these jumps and I get to jump 6 and then I have a complete mental flip. I catch my leg on the box and all I can think is I am about to smash my face against this freaking box and that's going to hurt so badly. But out of nowhere I develop these Catwoman like skills and I catch myself before I can fall and bust my face!!!! Score 1 for Fat Barbie!! My trainer was super impressed. She couldn't believe how gracefully I caught myself. Needless to say I was as proud as a peacock! Then the trainer decides I needed to do more work. So she has me doing burpees. Burpees are the tool of the devil much like pencils. To do burpees you have to drop down into a push up and then jump up. Then you repeat doesn't sound hard does it? Lies it was awful but as I finished doing burpees I felt so good! It was amazing... Being so excited I texted SkinnyBitch and told her all about my new found Catwoman abilities. SkinnyBitch gave the appropriate responses and helped build my Fat Barbie Catwoman ego. That amazing feeling definitely carried over into the week! I will hopefully have another funny story after my workout today! I will keep all y'all posted!