Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It's that time of year again....Lent

So I am a non-practicing Catholic which basically means I believe but I am not usually found a in a church. However there is one thing I always participate in and that is Lent. Lent for those who don't know is the 40 days between Mardi Gras and Easter. It is a time of reflection and a time to either give up something you love or take something on that will help you become a better person. So after careful thoughts and wondering I have decided to give up social media like Facebook, twitter and instagram. Now no one ever really reads this but I figure I needed to bear my soul and if someone reads it I am fine with that. So social media has been a major bad habit of mine. I am to use a cliche word addicted to getting the constant updates and the ability to get whatever is in my brain out. Well it turns out that is not such a good thing for me. There are times where I will tweet or post something that the minute I say it, all I can think is well that was dumb and I think the biggest incident of that happened yesterday. I replied to a friend's tweet with something that I thought was funny but the minute I posted it I regretted it. And it didn't even take my friend's disgusted response for me to realize not only had I lost her respect  but I lost respect for myself. I realized that it can be considered a bad thing to constantly be attached to a phone and to the world. I realized ( I mean I had known for a while but let's go with it) that the world does  not need to know where I am and what I am doing at all times nor does my rambling filterless thoughts need to be broadcasted to the world. So I will continue to blog on here whenever I want but I will be giving up all social media so if we are friends and you know we actually talk just know we won't be able to talk on social media but then again I am pretty sure no one reads this so it is ok see ya later kittens 

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