Friday, June 22, 2012

Fat Barbie Goes On A Road Trip

So it was time for me to make my way back to where I am going to grad school. Now I attended the same place for undergrad so I have made the 10+ hour drive before. Luckily I am "intrepid" and I am used to this drive. This drive began way way too early for my tastes. I was awoke promptly at 6:30 am. Now most of y'all are probably thinking "6:30 am really? Fat Barbie welcome to the real world" I haven't had to wake up that early since the Duomo experience( and thus it is connected with bad memories...maybe) Needless to say I am not a big fan. This trip was already off to a brilliant start. Now there is a reason people hate cops and I give you a prime example right now: I am just driving through the northern part of the state I live in. A state trooper pulls behind me! ( for once I was actually obeying the traffic laws shocking I know) he follows me for a good 20 minutes. Listen I get it you live in Podunk no where but that does not give you permission to use and abuse your power as an officer of the law. So that was definitely a damper on the day. However there is a funny part to this story I assure you. No matter how many times I make the drive through the farmlands that make up a healthy portion of my drive, it still surprises me to see a big ole tractor just puttering down the highway. What makes it even more funny it when the tractor( other farm equipment) passes you because you are driving to slowly for their tastes. Well excuse me Mr. Farmer but I have a state trooper following me just to allivate his own boredom. These tractor sightings are nothing compared to the wonderful entertainment provided to me by a fellow driver and his very personable passenger! As I am driving through another nameless little small town I have got the driving blues...I had been driving for eight long hours and was about to drive off the nearest mountain ( don't worry kittens I never would actually do that!) As I am driving I begin to car dance ( no one is allowed to judge because EVERYONE car dances) to keep myself awake and keep myself on the road. Well the truck next to me pulls even to me. Clearly they have been watching Fat Barbie car dance for quite some time because the passenger is clearly copying some of my better moves. After we finisha our car dance off we applaud each other wave and continue on our drive to our separate destinations. That right there is the main reason I love driving such a distance to go to school ( besides the fact that I attended the world's GREATEST university) where else could someone get into a car dance battle? It was absolutely the greatest and I loved it! More later darlings!

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