Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fat Barbie vs. Red Jeans

So I like to stay as on top of fashion as I am comfortable with. This means that Fat Barbie will NOT be wearing those cutesy crop top lacey things. I mean I'm confident and all but I'm not about to bare my belly. So I found or I should say SkinnyBitch found this absolutely adorable red, navy and white paisley top when we went to the beach. SO I have been looking for red jeans to match ever since. Actually I need to amend that statement. I have been looking for red jeans ever since SkinnyBitch came to visit over this past school year. I mean I have searched high and low for red jeans that I deemed socially acceptable. And it was so hard to find red jeans that didn't make my thighs look like fire hydrants and my butt look like two puppies were fighting in a sack. I mean these are definitely Fat Barbie problems. It is so hard sometimes to find something that is fashionable in a bigger size. It is often very hit or miss. Sometimes I will shop for what seems like hours and I still can't find anything and other times I hit the jackpot early and I hit it fast. I mean don't get me started on online shopping. ( Well I guess you don't really have a choice I'm going off on that tangent) It is funny how all of these online stores have fabulous plus size clothes but then there is nothing in actual stores. It is so frustrating to me that I can't just walk into a store and find something that is completely and utterly Fat Barbie. It always is a struggle to shop at stores because I feel such shame for having to shop there. But I, Fat Barbie, am done with feeling shame at having to shop at the fat lady stores. For every heart wrenching shopping failure I have had I have found something 87,000,000 times more awesome. Now you might be saying "Fat Barbie, how does this relate at all to the red jeans?" Well my darling readers it correlates like this (yeah look at that vocabulary) I have been searching in stores for red jeans for months only to be told they are out of my size or that they don't even make red jeans in my size. However fortunately I was not alone in my red jeans conundrum. SkinnyBitch experienced the same problem when she was trying to find white jeans ( Fat Barbie Fact #894 Fat Barbie can't pull off white jeans, it makes my thighs look like icebergs) That is when I realized that it wasn't just me who was having a problem trying to find the perfect pair of color(less) jeans. It was heartening to know that my skinnier sibling was having an awkward pants moment too. After months of trying to find the perfect pair of red jeans I have finally found a pair that I think will make me look extra Fat Barbie Fabulous. I will be ordering them later this weekend! (Sidenote in this I have beaten SkinnyBitch because she is still looking for a perfect pair of red jeans....Fat Barbie won this round)

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