Wednesday, June 27, 2012


It doesn't take a whole lot to make Fat Barbie cry. ( just asks SkinnyBitch) but I saw something today that really made me think about things ( and yes it made me cry). I saw this picture and it almost made me cry. To be as confident as this girl is something I strive to attain. She makes such a bold statement that really turns the entire "thin is pretty thing" right on its ear. Now I want everyone to know that I believe everyone is beautiful. Tall, thin, short, fat, medium everyone has the one thing that makes them simply stunning.This girl has got it going on. She has got such a pretty face and such a confident air and that is something that is amazing. The road to becoming Fat . Barbie was not easy, from my freshman year of high school up to the middle of my junior year of college I hated looking in the mirror. I saw someone who was nothing more than a hideous beast. Of course most people didn't know I thought that because in my world you can't let people know you think you're ugly. It shows weakness and that is what people prey on. So I held this notion of being a beast and it began to really began to seep into my outside life. But something eventually "clicked" and I realized that I was just as pretty as others and I didn't need to loathe myself. And that is when I stopped pitying myself and moved on. I gained the confidence and the ability to see past all of the negativity I had piled on myself. If I had seen this photo earlier I would have had my turning point much earlier then when I did. This young woman shows such wonderful spark and in that moment you know that she has changed at least one person with her message. More people (myself included) need to think like this girl. Whatever a person size is they deserve to feel beautiful or as this inspiring girl calls herself "glorious" . There will always be times when I feel down about myself but in those times I will recall this picture and this girl's strength and that will get me through. It may not be much but everyone needs a confidence role model and I am selecting this girl. Kudos to whoever she is because she has made me a more confident Fat Barbie.

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