Friday, June 15, 2012

An Introduction to Fat Barbie

Well I guess this is hello to all the readers or non readers out there. I am if you haven't guessed it, Fat Barbie. Now many of you may wonder what that entails well basically it means that I look kinda like Barbie. By that I mean that I am blonde, have a decent looking face and kinda tall. The one big glaringly obvious difference between me and Barbie is...that's right you guessed it! I am fat whereas Barbie is super skinny. I know I know y'all must be like "Girl you are delusional if you think that you look like fat Barbie!" Well I do think I could be an awesome Fat Barbie and I am not forcing you to read this. Now I began to blog because I am a semi insomniac. You might be asking " Fat Barbie what is a semi insomniac?" Well good reader let me enlighten you. A semi insomniac in Fat Barbie world is someone who normally has no problem sleeping through the night, but sometimes doesn't sleep at all. So I was having a particularly bad semi insomniac moment last night and began to look up all of these blogs dedicated to fat awareness and acceptance. And they all inspired me. I noticed however that I couldn't find a blog that I related to on an age level. I am young, not like super young I can legally drink in America so no worries on that front but I wanted a blog that I could be like well that's the story of my life. All these bloggers were so self confident, older, hard working, married etc. Everything they are I aspire to become eventually, one day, hopefully. But for right now I am Fat Barbie. I want other fat girls my age to see that there are other girls just like us. I want those Fat Barbie sorority girls to realize that yes they maybe bigger than their sisters but they are just as fabulous and amazing! I want those Fat Barbie smart girls to realize that they are amazingly smart and will probably become president/cure cancer etc whatever smart people want to do in life! Now I can feel some of you readers thinking or saying "What the hell Fat Barbie? I am perfectly confident and I know I am awesome." Yes dear, dear reader you are awesome or else you wouldn't be reading this blog but sometimes Fat Barbie gets on a soap box and when that happens all bets are off. I know this first blog post is so incredibly disjointed and quasi rambling( sorry I'm not sorry) but it is my first time blogging ever and I really want this blog to help at least one girl who hasn't reached her Fat Barbie potential or remind one woman that yes they are indeed Fat Barbie and that makes them amazing. It is always hard to be Fat Barbie in a skinny world. I was Fat Barbie in my college sorority. I was the biggest member all four years and one year I was told I was too fat to recruit new members. I mean they didn't phrase it like that it was more like " Fat Barbie, hey girl this is Skinny Evil Girl! I hope you are excited for spirit and recruitment week! We have got some great things planned for you! You are going to be the liasion between the chapter and the alumnae! Unfortunately it means you won't be talking during recruitment. It has nothing to do with what the advisors and I think about you! It is just you don't portray the image we want girls to see Beta Beta Delta has. Well we will just talk more about it when you come back to school! See you sistah!" Yep that was the actual voicemail that cow left on my voicemail. I still have it for reasons unknown to me. So here I was a proud memeber of Beta Beta Delta and I was being told I wasn't the "image" that my soroirty wanted to portray. Now most girls would have said oh ok that's fine recruitment sucks major anyway but no not Fat Barbie. I wasn't going to take such an insult lying down! How dare she tell me that I wasn't good enough to talk to potenial new Beta Beta Deltas. After a long drawn out argument I won the right to recurit for Beta Beta Delta. I am proud to say that even the advisors thought I did a great job during that recruitment and Skinng Evil Girl had to apologize to me for thinking that I would be a detrament to the chapter. Now many of you (or maybe just my mom Hi mom!) are thinking " Well I most certainly hope you didn't stay in Beta Beta Delta because those girls sound evil." Well I did and it was the best decision I ever made because there were so many girls in my chapter who couldn't believe that Fat Barbie would be treated like that. It was wonderful to see so many people boost Fat Barbie (maybe I should say heft Fat Barbie ) up in self confidence. And that is what I want Fat Barbie to do for other girls. Well I guess I am done with my rant for right now. I hope y'all liked your introduction to Fat Barbie and I hope y'all come back to Fat Barbie in the City! Please don't hesitate to email me! I am in graduate school and have no life so I will always respond to any and all emails! I guess i should give y'all my email address get excited! My email is

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